Easy Breezy Blogging

Welcome to Module 3

Let’s promote!

Backlinks for SEO

We have one more step to make sure our SEO is on point. 

Backlinks with Collabs

Collabs help promote you and your blog through added exposure, but it’s also a great place to get backlinks!

Backlinks with HARO

Join HARO (just use the free version1) https://app.connectively.us/#/signup

Which Promotional Channels are Best?

This is where you have to think and be strategic about how you want to create your content, and what the best system is for you.

Setting Up Pinterest

Let’s dive into the best platform for promoting your blog.

Optimize Pinterest Profile

Make it easier to get discovered.

Optimize Pinterest Profile (one more thing...)

Cover art.

Optimize Pinterest Profile (one more thing...)

Cover art.

Pinterest Keywords

SEO and keyword research in Pinterest.

Creating Boards

Best practices for creating boards.

Creating Pins in Canva

Should you buy templates? How I create pins FAST.